Will Your Mind Into Optimism

What is optimism? It is keeping a calm mind and a positive outlook even when faced with adverse situations. Have you not wonder why some people see the proverbial glass half full, while others see it half empty? Though very rare, there are a few, who see the glass completely filled, half with water and the rest with air.

Adversity Or Opportunity

The people who can will their mind to think positive aren’t crazy. They simply see opportunities where others see adversity. What sets them apart from other people is solely their will. They are so adamant on turning every adversity into an advantage for themselves, that they have willed their minds to analyze every situation and put a positive spin on it. Every invention, great or small, is a result of a strong-willed person who saw an opportunity instead of adversity.

Taking The First Step

Unlike numerous other things, taking the first step toward willing your mind into optimism, is quite simple. All it needs is a vocabulary to replace the words ‘I am sorry’. Have you ever noticed the number of times people apologize in a day? It’s surprisingly a lot. It not only brings down the self-confidence of the person subconsciously but also lessens the authenticity of the apology every time. So replace ‘sorry’ with something positive. For example, if you are late, say “Thank you for waiting, I assure you the delay was unintentional’. Not only are you not belittling yourself, or giving anyone else the chance to do so, you are telling the person that you value their time and appreciate that they waited for you. In doing so, you bring positive vibes into you and their lives as well and you save your apology for something monumental.
Stop Taking Things For Granted
Believe it or not, nowadays, we have been so busy with our lives, that we stopped paying attention to it. Things happen on auto-pilot it seems. As a result, we stopped valuing the input others have in our lives and take things for granted. Break this inimical cycle by using two words, ‘thank you’. Be grateful for every input others have in your life, positive as well as negative because both of them help you to grow as a person albeit in different ways. In addition to thanking people personally, before ending your day, take a moment to thank all of them again. This fills your mind with all the optimism for the day which you can then carry forward to the next day and the next, while all the negativity is left behind.

Not Everything Contagious Is Harmful

Perhaps the best part of optimism is that it is contagious. When you will your mind into being positive, you influence others as well and spread this positive vibe all around. It helps you be more productive as well as lets you learn from your past without dwelling on it. By seeing opportunity in every adversity, you find a strength in yourself to face all the challenges. So start making the little changes to will your mind into optimism.

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