We all have flaws, whether you like it or not. Nobody is perfect, and it’s a harsh reality of life. But there are a plethora of good things to focus on in life. We can either keep thinking about our flaws or ignore them and enjoy other pleasant things around us.

In this post, we’ll discuss how you can embrace our flaws and imperfections.
Nobody Is Perfect: Accept Your Flaws
First things first, identify your flaws and accept them. Do you have chronic acne that doesn’t go away? Accept that you have to live with acne, and forget about it. Not that you should stop your efforts to treat them, but stop thinking about it every second of your day.
Maybe you’re short heightened. It’s okay. If you’re an adult, maybe you’ll not grow any taller. So stop wearing long heels or abusing YouTube for remedies to get tall. Identify your flaws, and accept them.
Nobody is Perfect – So What?
If you’re having a hard time accepting your flaws, try this exercise. Ask yourself a series of questions related to your imperfection, and at the end of each question, add “so what.”
Here’s a quick example.
What’s my imperfection? – So what?
I feel I’m not attractive – So what?
People don’t want to be around me.
Here’s where you need to stop because you’re formulating opinions. People not wanting to be around you has nothing to do with your height. So, go out and make friends.
By doing these exercises, you can identify your insecurities and work on them.
Your Imperfections Aren’t Really Your Weakness
Imperfections aren’t physical. Mental and emotional flaws are more prevalent. Let’s say you had four relationships in the last year, and all of them ended badly, with the other party blaming you for being stubborn. Stubbornness may feel like a flaw to you, but it isn’t.
Being stubborn has benefits. It helps you stay determine and become decisive. It helps you become passionate. It also helps you have clear boundaries, something that most people lack.
When we have a small flaw, we’re too quick to put ourselves in the victim’s seat. Imperfections and weaknesses are by no means the same thing. Since nobody is perfect, dig deep into your imperfections and turn them into your strengths.
Ignore Your Flaws Because Nobody Is Perfect
We’ve talked about accepting your flaws, but it’s not easy. Maybe you met with an accident and broke your jaw. The doctor reconstructed your jaw, but the mark of the surgery remained on your face. Now, even if 100 people would come to you and say that you look gorgeous, you won’t be able to accept it.
Sometimes, we can’t just accept our flaws. In that case, do nothing and ignore them. You don’t have to work hard on celebrating that you have a scar on your face. But you don’t have to beat yourself for having it either. Stick in the middle. Accept that you are not perfect, and you don’t like it. At the same time, stop overthinking about how you’re not perfect, and move on with life.
See If You Can Do Something About It
Let’s talk about actions now. While some flaws, like short height, may not be reversed, some imperfections can be fixed. For example, if you have acne, maybe you have some skin infection.
Or maybe you eat a lot of unhealthy food. You can go to a dermatologist and get yourself checked. Who knows, maybe the imperfection you were fighting against for too long wasn’t a big deal after all.
If your imperfections can be fixed, ask yourself if you’re really determined to do something about it. And be brutally honest with yourself.
Let’s talk about acne example again. You went to a dermatologist, and he examined you. What he found was that your skin is extremely sensitive to junk food. But let’s say you’re a foodie, and giving up junk food once for all isn’t something you can do.
Here, you’ll have to make a choice. Either give up something you love and get rid of your imperfections. Or keep something you love and live with your flaws. The choice is yours.
Nobody Is Perfect: Final Thoughts
Even if you have flaws that can’t be fixed – what’s the point of thinking about them. The more you think about your imperfection, the more your mental health deteriorates. If there’s something you can do about your imperfection, do it. But if not, keep them aside and move on. Nobody is perfect, and there’s a lot more to life than caring about your flaws.
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