Why Reading is Essential for Authors?

Reading is a good method for writers to improve their skills. Why must you read? Firstly, you gain a good understanding of the subject/topic and most importantly, you remember the content that you read; both these elements are crucial for increasing your knowledge.

Reading is to mind what exercise is to the bodyReading gives a clear perspective about the subject matter and teaches important lessons that you may not learn through basic knowledge of grammar and the language alone. Write 100 words daily and, see the world of difference it will make to your writing skills.

Even in the corporate world, when you need to write business content or make a presentation, you have to hone research skills; good research involves reading different material.

You can read any piece of content ranging from newspapers, magazines, books, creative literature etc. every now and then. Read thoroughly about a topic which is not in your comfort zone; this will expand your level of understanding and help you explore new genres.

Reading improves comprehension

Subjects/topics of interest are quick to research about; however reading about topics you don’t know much about will expand your knowledge base and you will be able to comprehend difficult subjects quickly.

Read More. Learn MoreIt will sharpen your ability to write on any subject quickly which is easily comprehensible for your reader. You will understand the nuances of your writing style and fine tune it according to your reader’s level of comprehension. e.g. if you are a Literature student, you must try to read about Business Management or try to comprehend a financial magazine.

Reading enhances Vocabulary

How often have you come across a tough word, while you are reading? What is your next step, then? Obviously, you will try to find its meaning. Your advantage – you increase your vocabulary and try to understand its usage in different contexts and then weave a story form those words.

Reading creates magicBeginner’s Approach to Reading

  1. Pick up a book;
  2. Find a difficult word;
  3. Find its meaning from the dictionary and also see its synonyms and antonyms using thesaurus;
  4. Use the word in 5 different sentences.
  5. Write down these sentences;
  6. Recall the difficult words before you retire to bed.

How to read more: Tips by James Clear

Reading helps in better focus

It is tough to begin writing because it needs good research skills. So, allocate few hours every day to read. A disciplined approach will help you focus on improving writing skills too.

Reading helps explore different writing styles

Every author has a distinct writing style. Fiction is widely different from writing non-fiction. Similarly, there is a huge difference between writing a romantic novel and a suspense thriller.

Every author aims to enthrallReading takes you to a different world his/her readers, through their unique writing style. Do not try to copy a famous author like Agatha Christie, Hans Christian Andersen, Ruskin Bond, etc. Create your own style and exhibit it to the world 🙂

Different types of writing styles include business writing, content writing, creative writing etc. Develop your signature style through your uniqueness.

Reading is an enjoyable habit; don’t take stress in order to develop this habit. If you are just beginning the journey of reading, try to read only for 15 minutes a day. Gradually, increase it to 30 minutes, later to an hour and so on. Once you develop this habit, you will enjoy the process of exploring an imaginary world, which will help you become a better writer; someone who can connect with his/her readers instantly. Reading with a free mind gives you a great deal of pleasure.

Happy Reading! Connect with me at author.devika@gmail.com to know more about how I approach writing my books.

Happiness is a quiet house and a good book

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