Tag: Books


Acting comes under the umbrella of performing arts. The actors perform on stage/cinema to entertain the public, but the audience is unaware of their real-life

Sredhanea Analyses The Mind Game

Section 1: 1.Conscience, though subjective, could one be born with the basic blueprint of it, or is it just acquired by experiences and conditioning? Answer:

Book Review: The Oxygen Manifesto

I read this book recently, which addresses the need of the hour to preserve Mother Nature. This book was a review copy sent by Rupa

My First Open Mic Experience

On 02 December 2017, I attended my first open mic event organized by a writer’s club ‘Between The Lines’. The budding poets and shayars recited

Key Achievement

Book Launch in Kochi Literature Festival 2017

Literature festivals are a great platform for first time authors to establish themselves as a brand. I have got an opportunity to interact with the

Authors! Beware of High Publishing Packages

From my own publishing experience and conversation with other first time authors in my network, I realized the publishing houses that charge more than 30k