Don’t we all know that one person who is always happy no matter what the situation is? And the other one who is always complaining? So, what’s the difference between these two? Does the first person have an elusive, perfect life while the second one, a never improving, sad and pathetic one? It can’t possibly be like that, can it?
Emotional Control
Everyone has ups and downs in their lives; what matters is how you look at the situation. The people who are truly happy in their lives know how to control their emotions. Controlling your emotions is different than hiding them. You can only control something which you know well. The first step is to know what you are feeling and why. You are sad; that’s okay. But why you are sad and what’s causing you to be sad? Ask this to yourself. Once you know the cause behind your sadness, you can control it. You can either accept your situation or make efforts to change it. Either way, you are taking a proactive step in your life instead of letting your situations and your mind rule over you.
Is There A Constant Emotional Struggle?
If there is a constant struggle between what you want to feel and what you actually do, it is a sign that your mind is controlling you. It is time to take back the control! When you look into your feelings, into their cause, you get a better understanding of how your mind works. At the end of the day, you have to know your mind, before you can start controlling it.
Our Ego Leads To Emotional Baggage
While hiding your emotions is unhealthy for you, controlling them is useful. You are not letting them fester in some dark corner of your mind; it is because you are dealing with them. Some things may bother you too much and there may not be getting around them. However, simply knowing the elements which bother you, helps you decide what you want to do about them in the future. Do you avoid them, or do you make peace with them? Knowing the cause of your feelings can also help you let go of those deep-rooted expectations that hurt you most in your relationships. It makes you feel significantly lighter and helps forgive those who hurt you. You can move on with your life without any emotional baggage.
To learn how to discard emotional baggage and develop emotional intelligence, read The Mind Game.