Don’t we all love a ‘rags to riches’ story? A person or with a traumatic childhood, making it big. Several success stories are similar to this. But then again, we have also heard about stories of how traumatic childhood ends up shaping a person who can never come out of that dark place, no matter how hard they try.

The extent of the trauma of these people can certainly be argued about. But that’s not what differentiates between them. How they dealt with their trauma and life choices they made is what defines them today.

Fairy Godmother or Good Life Choices?

It is easy to feel sad for yourself; life happened to you. There are some things out of your control which may happen to you, and they take away a part of you. But to be stuck on that is completely your choice. Once you choose to be stuck with that, there’s no fairy godmother coming to rescue you. To be honest, there rarely ever is a fairy godmother. That’s why to be on a better path, you have to proactively choose it and work towards it. If you are one of the lucky people, you will have some really great people supporting you on your journey. But remember, it is your journey, no one else’s.

Choosing Every Day

Choosing is the easiest part in your journey towards a better life. It is what comes after which makes it quite difficult. Making the right choices every day. People would suggest you make a plan and stick to it, while that is not absolutely wrong, people often write off the difficulty that you may face while sticking to the said plan.

When You Feel Like Giving Up

Even when things seem futile, everything is stagnant, you have to believe in yourself. You have to will yourself into sticking with your plan. More often than not people have given up halfway. Doing this only sets you up for a life of regrets and ‘what ifs’. It is discouraging when you can’t see any results to all your efforts. But that doesn’t mean that your efforts are wasted away. You need to have a strong will to help you get out of the bed every morning, working towards a better life for yourself, against the negative thoughts in your mind telling you to give up.

Hold On to What You Want

Granted, it is hard work, if it was easy, everyone in the world would be happy. A strong will is developed only through discipline and a never give up attitude. So be consistent and will yourself into working for a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

If you truly want to know how to get your life back on track, towards the better path, read ‘The Mind Game’.

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